The Wood Element

The Wood Element of Spring
As qi progresses into form, it enters springtime and the 

element of Wood. This phase generates the blueprint 

that encourages growth and the emergence of the 

individual, whether a human, a tree, an insect or the 

birth of an idea. Wood tells of activity and growth and 

is the impetus behind the creation of many forms of life. 

It is the phase of vision and birth.  

You are dynamic and creative. You are strongly self-

motivated and focused on reaching your goals in all 

areas of your life: business, relationships, creative projects 

and personal growth. You may also be a dreamer and a 

visionary, becoming lost in the clouds of your own 

imagination and sometimes feeling frustrated when 

your dreams do not become reality. Physically, the 

Wood element governs the liver and gallbladder, and 

the connective tissues.

Taste: Sour

Colour: Green

Emotion: Anger leading to Kindness

Symptoms of imbalance include:
Gallstones, Addictions, Infertility, Stress, Anger, Depression, Insomnia, Migraines and Weakness in Tendons and Ligaments.

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