The Metal Element

The Metal Element of Autumn
After Harvest begins the descent of the Metal element. It 

is autumn, and time for taking stock and releasing all 

that is not of value. As natural energy is scarce, only the 

good, the pure and the true is retained to create a strong 

and worthy foundation. Qi becomes refined and 

purified, as times of excess are long gone, and the phase 

of survival draws near. All the unrefined and 

unassimilated falls away and decays as leaves falling 

from a tree. Here is the phase of death, leading towards 

rebirth and the continuum of life through water.

You are still and poised. Your emotional world is 

profound but outwardly you appear contained, choosing 

not to display this side of yourself. For you, there is a 

place for everything and everything in its place. You 

dislike chaos and disorder. You are an idealist, self-

reliant but a strong support for those

for whom you hold responsibility. Although you are 

refined and can appear remote, you may surprise people 

with your rock 'n' roll edge. Physically, the metal 

element governs the lungs, large intestine and the skin.

Taste: Pungent

Colour: White

Emotion: Grief leading Courage and Purity

Symptoms of imbalance include:

IBS, Asthma, Bronchitis (and other breathing conditions), Colitis, Eczema, Psoriasis and Melancholia.

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