The Fire Element

The Fire Element of Summer
Qi progresses to maturity through summer and the Fire 

element, which is the phase of exaltation. It cannot rise 

any higher, and expresses itself joyfully with beauty 

and display. Life reaches its zenith, through the 

shadowy blooms of a flower at its most magnificent or 

the peak of human experience - it's the 'this is 

it' moment, the moment we were all born for!

You are bright, fast-moving and filled with light. You 

are loving and generous. You love socialising and wear 

your heart on your sleeve. Your emotions flicker through 

the sunlight, laughter and tears come easily to you. 

Although at times shy and vulnerable, you put on a 

happy face as your desire is to spread joy. It's all about 

love; you are the brighter side of life. Physically, the Fire 

element governs the heart and circulation. 

Taste: Bitter

Colour: Red or Pink

Emotion: Joy leading to Love

Symptoms of imbalance include:

Anxiety, Depression, Insomnia, Heart Conditions, Circulatory Disorders, High or Low Blood Pressure and Inflammation or Painful Conditions.

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